Today was the first day of torture! My teacher, Miss Caroline, hates me because Atticus taught me how to read. That horrible lady told me that I wasn't able to read with Atticus at night anymore because she was the teacher, and SHE had to teach me. I don't understand the point of that. After all, why does it matter who teaches me as long as I learn? Also, Miss Caroline tried to give Walter Cunningham a quarter to buy his lunch, and he wouldn't take it. I politely tried to explain to her that Walter was a Cunningham and they don't accept nothin' they can't pay back. I'm gonna tell Atticus that I'm never goin' back to school again!
About Me
- Scout Finch
- Hi, my name is Jean Louise Finch, but everyone calls me Scout. I live in Maycomb County with my father Atticus and my brother Jem. Calpurnia watches us while Atticus goes to work; he's Maycomb's finest lawyer. Our mother died when I was real young. It was sad, but Jem remembers her better than I do. Dill is me and Jem's best friend. Dill and I are gonna get married some day. :) Jem, Dill, and I spend most of our time outside gettin' in to all kinds of trouble.
Me playing in the dirt in my front yard
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