This evening Mr. Heck Tate and a crowd of men came to our house to tell Atticus that Tom Robinson was being moved to the Maycomb County Jail, and he feared that there could be some trouble. Atticus thought that there wouldn't be any trouble at the jailhouse because of Maycomb's reputation. Later that night Atticus went into town; Jem, Dill, and I followed him and ended up at the Maycomb jail. Atticus was sittin' outside readin' his book by lamplight. Soon after our arrival four cars pulled up at the jailhouse, and men started getting out of them. They gathered around Atticus and asked him if Tom was inside the cell. Atticus said that he was and that they should keep their voices down because Tom was asleep. At first Atticus didn't seem worried because he knew that Mr. Heck Tate was around. However, when he found out that Mr. Tate was out on a snipe hunt he became worried. I ran to meet Atticus; Jem and Dill followed me. When Atticus saw us he told Jem to go home, but Jem refused to leave Atticus's side. I accidentally embarrassed Mr. Walter Cunningham by bringing up his entailment and by asking him about his son, Walter. I hadn't meant to embarrass him; I was just trying to talk to the only face I recognized in the crowd. After that, Mr. Cunningham cleared out the crowd and everyone went home. Soon after the crowd left, Jem, Atticus, Dill, and me headed home ourselves.
About Me
- Scout Finch
- Hi, my name is Jean Louise Finch, but everyone calls me Scout. I live in Maycomb County with my father Atticus and my brother Jem. Calpurnia watches us while Atticus goes to work; he's Maycomb's finest lawyer. Our mother died when I was real young. It was sad, but Jem remembers her better than I do. Dill is me and Jem's best friend. Dill and I are gonna get married some day. :) Jem, Dill, and I spend most of our time outside gettin' in to all kinds of trouble.
Me playing in the dirt in my front yard
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