Today Jem and me were exploring with our air-rifles when Jem noticed Tim Johnson was acting really funny. We ran inside to Cal and asked her to come see a dog out on the street. We thought he was actin' funny. When she saw him, she got really nervous and made us go inside the house; she called Atticus and told him about Tim Johnson. After that, she told Miss Eula May to alert the whole street. What happened after that was unbelievable. Atticus and Mr. Heck Tate, the county sheriff, came to our house from work. Tim Johnson stopped in front of the Radley Place, and Mr. Heck Tate told Atticus that he should be the one to shoot the mad dog. To be honest, I didn't have much faith in Atticus. He's so old! But out of the blue, Atticus turned out to be the deadest shot in Maycomb County. I don't think Jem or I have ever been more shocked by Atticus in our whole entire lives.
About Me
- Scout Finch
- Hi, my name is Jean Louise Finch, but everyone calls me Scout. I live in Maycomb County with my father Atticus and my brother Jem. Calpurnia watches us while Atticus goes to work; he's Maycomb's finest lawyer. Our mother died when I was real young. It was sad, but Jem remembers her better than I do. Dill is me and Jem's best friend. Dill and I are gonna get married some day. :) Jem, Dill, and I spend most of our time outside gettin' in to all kinds of trouble.
Me playing in the dirt in my front yard
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