This Halloween, the town decided to hold a party and play at the school to prevent any mischief from the children. Aunt Alexandra and Atticus were too tired to go, so Jem took me. I was a ham in the play! I accidentally fell asleep and missed my cue to come in. After the play, Mrs. Merriweather told me I ruined her pageant. Me and Jem were one of the last ones to leave. As we were leaving the school, I realized I left my shoes behind the stage, but when I turned around, the lights were out. Jem told me I could get them tomorrow. As we walked home, Jem kept stoppin' and listenin'. He told me he heard somethin'. I thought it was Cecil Jacobs again, so I turned around and yelled to him. We kept walking until we got to the big oak tree. I heard it then: shoes scuffling. The stranger started running towards us, and Jem told me to run. I lost my balance though, and I fell. I felt metal crushing metal. Then, I felt Jem's hand, and he pulled toward the street. Suddenly, I felt Jem's hand leave mine. I heard him fall backwards. There was a crunching noise and Jem's screams. I ran toward him but was stopped by a fat, flabby stomach. Arms crushed the air out of my body until the person was flung to the ground. I heard scuffling noises and wheezing. There was silence. I called out to Jem, and when I looked for him, I saw a man carrying him toward our house and ran after him. When I got home, I found out that his arm had been broken, and we had been saved by Boo Radley. Mr. Ewell had been killed in the chaos. Atticus thought that Jem had killed Bob, but Heck Tate reassured Atticus that it was not Jem. Bob Ewell had "fallen on his knife". It was really Boo who had killed Mr. Ewell, but I understood why Mr. Tate had lied. After all, it would be a sin to kill a Mockingbird.
About Me
- Scout Finch
- Hi, my name is Jean Louise Finch, but everyone calls me Scout. I live in Maycomb County with my father Atticus and my brother Jem. Calpurnia watches us while Atticus goes to work; he's Maycomb's finest lawyer. Our mother died when I was real young. It was sad, but Jem remembers her better than I do. Dill is me and Jem's best friend. Dill and I are gonna get married some day. :) Jem, Dill, and I spend most of our time outside gettin' in to all kinds of trouble.
Me playing in the dirt in my front yard
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